In a program “The Morning Show” aired on Monday on Arise TV and duly monitored by Truth Live News, the broadcast crew, Ayo Mairo-Ese, Rufai Oseni and Dr. Reuben Abati, openly criticized former Edo State Governor Adams Oshiomhole for his recent comments regarding Betsy Obaseki.
The crew members expressed their disappointment with Oshiomhole’s remarks, which they perceived as culturally insensitive, and called on him to apologize to every woman in Edo state, including the First Lady. Rufai in particular, pointed out that Oshiomhole’s comments were unbecoming of an elder statesman and highlighted the cultural stigmatization of childlessness that affects many women in Africa. He further recalled that perhaps Oshiomole has a problem with women because years ago, he told a widow in Oba market to go and die, while he threw away her petty trade items.
During the discussion, Ayo Mairo-Ese questioned the political dynamics between Oshiomhole and Monday Okpebholo, suggesting that Oshiomhole may be attempting to secure a “third term” by aligning himself with Okpebholo’s governorship bid. “We don’t know where to draw the line between Okpebholo and Oshiomhole; if Oshiomhole is the one going for a third term, we don’t know,” she stated, raising concerns about Oshiomhole’s involvement in the ongoing Edo State political race.
Dr. Abati also defended Mrs. Obaseki, whose earlier comments had sparked controversy. He clarified that Mrs. Obaseki did not target any individual when she mentioned that among all the top gubernatorial candidates, only Asue Ighodalo has a wife who actively participates in public engagements. Dr. Abati argued that as the First Lady, Mrs. Obaseki is within her rights to express interest in her successor and that it is natural for Edo women to be interested in knowing who their next First Lady will be.
He concluded by condemning Oshiomhole’s statements as a shameful display from someone who should understand the cultural sensitivities surrounding childlessness and gender issues in Africa.