Toba Owojaiye reportingÂ
Benin City, Edo State
The official declaration of INEC has given the following votes
Iguenben LGA
Registered voters: 54,549
Accredited voters: 15,274
Valid votes: 14,989
APC: 5,907
LP: 494
PDP: 8,470
Owan West LGA
APC: 12,277
LP: 201
PDP: 11,284
Esan West LGA
Registered voters: 113,067
Accredited voters: 25,702
APC: 12,952
LP: 342
PDP: 11,004
Uhunmwonde LGA
Registered voters: 92,169
Accredited Voters: 20,044
APC: 8,776
LP: 769
PDP: 9,339
Ovia Northeast LGA
Registered voters: 177,106
Accredited voters: 32,441
APC: 13,225
LP: 1,675
PDP: 15,311
Esan Southeast LGA
Registered voters: 90,240
APC: 8,398
LP: 98
PDP: 14,199
PDP has an early lead of 8,072 votes
It is interesting to note that the result so far is exactly as posited by the Adamawa state governor in his press briefing
More details later on Truth Live News