It is one week already in the Big Brother Reality Tv show, the biggest reality Tv show and it is becoming more interesting as today Sunday 31st July was a fake eviction day unknowingly to the 24 housemates.
To spice up the show biggie introduce fake housemates one week after the official starting of the show.
The role of a fake housemates is to act as a real housemate in the house unknowingly to the rest of the Housemate who got in first. A fake housemates is not in the house for the money. A fake housemate can be evicted anytime any day. A fake housemate is in the house to cause chaos, more drama and scatter relationship in the house, to provoke real housemate.
The show has had fake housemates, the likes of Ese, John, Maria and Pere. But in the case of Maria and Pere they were called wild cast and later got in for the money when the Housemate could not identify them.
Alot of twist in this season 7, what could biggie next move be.
Stay tune as we unveil all the fake housemates of Big Brother Reality Tv show season 7 level up.