Drama As Davido, Sophia Momodu Unfollows Each Other On Instagram


Following the reconciling of Davido and his third babymama and ex fiancee Chioma Avril Rowland, Davido has clicked the unfollow button on his first babymama, Sophia Momodu.

The singer and Sophia Momodu, who is the mother of his first daughter, Imade Adeleke had been on good terms when he parted ways with Chioma in 2021. Sophia Momodu even went as far as gifting the singer a million cheque when Davido told his loved ones and friends to contribute money for him. In June, Davido penned a heartwarming note to her as she celebrated her birthday.

It is surprising to see that the two have reignited their fued after he got back with his ex fiancee, Chioma Rowland.

Truthlive.net did a check on their respective Instagram pages and found out that they had unfollowed each other.

Just three days ago, Davido and Chioma had gone public with their love.

The couple left their fans screaming for joy following their reunion.

Chioma fueled reconciling rumours when she was spotted rocking his new 30BG pendant worth millions. The pendant had the inscription, ‘002’, which implied that Chioma was the second in command of the 30BG.


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