Edo Primary Healthcare Agency Joined “We can end TB” Campaign on World Tuberculosis Day

Edo Primary Healthcare Agency Celebrates World Tuberculosis Day


Joel Osaigbovo Aluge Reporting

Benin City

The Edo State Primary Healthcare Development Agency (EDSPHCDA) and partners celebrate World Tuberculosis Day and create more awareness about the global epidemic.

Edo Primary Healthcare Agency Celebrates World Tuberculosis Day

The World Tuberculosis Day which is annually celebrated with this year’s theme: “Yes! We can end TB”, is aimed at advocating for the end of Tuberculosis while educating the general public on precautionary steps that can be taken to prevent the disease and advisory steps for patients to continually empower them towards taking their medications seriously.

In Edo State, EDSPHCDA notes that a high population of residents in Edo are aware of the debilitating nature of Tuberculosis (TB) which sets a high level of awareness and recognition.

However, despite the level of awareness, there still seem to be a comprehensive gap towards TB with many having stereotyped misinformation/ misconceptions about the disease.

Tuberculosis is a deadly disease caused by a bacterium called mycobacterium tuberculosis which can be contracted when an infected person sneezes, spits or coughs. It is air borne.

Persons living with this disease are mostly stigmatized which can lead to partial or total isolation of the patient from its society, as well as delayed treatment, and once treatment is delayed, the effects can be fatal.

The EDSPHCDA urges members of the public to adopt preventive measures such as covering the mouth while coughing, wearing nose mask, washing the hands regularly, while patients with TB should endeavor to seek medical support swiftly after diagnosis.

The Edo State Primary Healthcare Development Agency (EDSPHCDA) is calling on healthcare workers, political party, traditional and religious leaders, civil society, media, communities and everyone to join the global community to stand in unity to end Tuberculosis and save lives.

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