Two former security guards known as the Happie Boys, Matthew Precious Kelechi and Amakor Johnson, have notified their benefactor, Apostle Chibuzor Chinyere, that they will not be going back to Nigeria.
Truthlives news recall that the founder of Omega Power Ministries sponsored the two boys, as well as their manager Caleb, to Cyprus on a scholarship.
They announced this on a new video they made apologising for criticizing the pastor in an earlier Instagram post.
As you may remember, the Happie Boys recently cried out, alleging Chinyere had abandoned them and that they had no choice but to drop out of school.
The cleric responded by saying he had made plans to secure their return tickets so they could finish their education in Nigeria.
The viral ex-security men, however, said that they will stay in Cyprus and expressed their gratitude for all that Apostle Chinyere had done for them.
The Happie Boys claim that they were not aware about the airplane ticket and that they learned about it only from the news. They prayed for the OPM pastor as well because they wouldn’t have been able to explore the world without him.
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