JOOPSA Trains 5,000 Civil Servants In Edo


Lucky Obukohwo, Reporting

The Director General John Odigie-Oyegun Public Service Academy (JOOPSA), Precious Imuwahe Ajoonu, has said that the academy has trained 5,000 civil servants in the state since the inception of the academy.

She said this in Benin while briefing journalists on the upcoming launch of the academy by the Edo State government.

Imuwahe said, JOOPSA was established by the governor Godwin Obaseki with a strategic intent to foster accelerated human capital development within the state’s civil and public service.

“We have trained 5,000 public servants within Edo State till date. Our plan is to train 10,000 by the end of the year”

She said governor Obaseki believe that civil servants are the engine room of governance hence the academy is equipping the civil servant with knowledge and skills to deliver good governance to Edo people.

“We want to have a public servants that can write properly, deliver quality memo, think strategically, have skills, good public and project management”.

She added that the academy was set up to upscale, and retrain public service so that they will have requisite knowledge to be able to delivered, function well and compete any where in the world.

She however said the academy is backed by law to ensure its sustainability beyond the present administration, adding that in the next 10 years, Edo would have a different public service.

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